I am an Englishman living in County Wicklow, Ireland. I previously lived for several years in Sweden.
Recently I returned to drawing and painting more regularly. I generally used to sketch only on holidays. My background is in film and video production, although I have to admit I did go to St Martin’s School of Art in London a few decades ago! As I was studying Graphic Design, there was no formal drawing or painting instruction and I’ve had to teach myself. It’s become much easier with the all the resources on the internet.
I have been trying different styles and subjects which help me progress. I prefer loose, impressionist styles, as these are freer and a contrast to the tighter graphic work I’ve been used to in video production. There are a huge variety of landscapes in Wicklow with the dramatic coastlines, wetlands, forests and mountains. The light on the loughs in the Wicklow Mountains is constantly changing. It’s no wonder it’s used for locations in so many films and TV series.
I always carry a sketchbook with me, as well as a small camera. Sketching on location is fun and spontaneous – you don’t have to worry how it’s going to turn out and you can mix up the media a bit. Sketching helps observation and improves drawing skills. Taking photos helps in finding landscape compositions for paintings and for quickly recording details.